Pilates from OFL

Physical activity is important during illness, but how to continue or resume it after an oncological break?

Join our exercise program led by Magdalena Toczydłowska.

This set is specially designed for women after breast cancer surgeries.

Together with Magda, we will show you how to consciously work with your breath, gradually increase the range of motion within the shoulder girdle, and have fun with it all.

Don't hesitate to join. All you need is a mat and a piece of floor.

Magda Toczydłowska is an always active person who has decided to combine her passion for movement with her profession. She is a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education, where she specialized in acrobatics and artistic gymnastics. Since 2007, she has been working as an instructor and trainer in various forms of physical activity.

Magda is now not only a passionate enthusiast but also currently undergoing the 'comprehensive teacher training' course - a program in classical Pilates. Her professionalism and dedication make her classes not only effective but also inspiring and motivating.

Magda is delighted to share her passion for Pilates with others, helping them improve their physical condition, strength, and flexibility, as well as teaching them how to better listen to their bodies.

,,In Pilates, I found everything I was looking for in other forms of exercise. It's an incredibly effective training method that has allowed me to develop both physically and mentally."

Exercise set number 1:

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