“I have breast cancer, and I want NGS.”

I have breast cancer, and I want NGS., This is a grassroots patient initiative aimed at improving the situation for breast cancer patients and their families regarding genetic testing through Next-generation sequencing (NGS).

We want to appeal to the Minister of Health for broader access to genetic testing using NGS and for a change in the current reimbursement model.

  • We want every patient diagnosed with breast cancer to be immediately referred for genetic testing using NGS, at least for the BRCA 1/2 genes.
  • We want every case of breast cancer with a confirmed pathogenic or likely pathogenic mutation to be automatically referred for genetic counseling.
  • We want genetic testing using NGS for the BRCA 1/2 genes to be conducted using peripheral blood, rather than tissue.To expedite diagnosis, we want a clinical oncologist or surgical oncologist consulting a breast cancer patient to be able to order NGS genetic testing from peripheral blood on an outpatient basis.

What can you do?

Sign the petition and show your support.

Share and talk about our initiative with others. Let our voice be heard by all!

About our campaign in the PNŚ

Our DNA contains genetic information regarding our physical traits such as eye color, hair color, height, body structure, but also tendencies towards behavioral traits: our temperament, predispositions to addictions, or inclinations towards specific behaviors. More importantly, our DNA also contains information that may influence predispositions to various diseases, especially those with a clear genetic basis.

Can DNA testing determine if we will develop cancer or how to tailor treatment?

Breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancer and DNA testing

Check out our webinars

I have breast cancer, and I want NGS.

What is our campaign about?

Can the Polish healthcare system afford it?

So far, the action has been supported by...

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